For your convenience and safety, The Old Post Office utilizes the RISE App for all Visitor Access. When off-site employees, guests or vendors require access, please input their information in the Rise App. This information is sent to the Security console in real-time. Upon arrival, the visitor(s) will need to check in with Security and show a valid picture ID, before they are issued a temporary badge for the day.

During after-hours, or if a visitor’s name is not entered in RISE, Security will call the guest’s contact or the main tenant for instructions. If the contact gives verbal approval for the guest to have access to the tenant space, Security will create a badge and will direct the visitor to the proper elevator bank. If the contact advises that an escort is needed, Security will advise the guest accordingly, and issue the guest a badge once the escort has arrived in the lobby.

Please keep in mind, guest lists are only valid for 24 hours and must be renewed for each subsequent visit as necessary.

If you have any questions regarding the RISE Visitor Management System, please contact the Office of the Building at (312) 481-7900.

Click Here to Login - RISE APP
